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Monday, May 4, 2009

Rant #1

This requires kind of an explanation, but I'm in a rush to upload this, so that will come later.
Or now, this is taking some time to upload....
Basically, my brother and I could not decide what to have for dinner. Crazy followed, including some insanity on my part (in the video above). I was hungry and irrational, which explains my attitude in the above, but now I am much more sane. My brother wanted to eat at Taco Bell or Burger King, and I wanted to eat at anywhere but those places. I finally said they should just go to taco bell, and my mom asks is I'm sure, making me second-guess myself. Which is a bad thing to do to me. Eventually they went to burger king and I found food at home. Yay?
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1 comment:

  1. OMG! SO sister does that ALL the time, but I never thought of doing a rant on a blogging website in order to vent my anger towards her sucking up and looking like a goody-goody to my mom
